I absolutely loooooooved this book
The plot was amazing and interesting.
We know Belial is trying to possess James.
It was interesting to see the characters of the Infernal Devices from the outside. Not really getting anything from them, other than what their children saw.
Which means Grace is in on everything her mother has been doing.
Tatianna being send to the Adamant Citadel is important to the plan, but was its part of the plan all along? So, did Grace send James to Blackthorn Manor under the orders of Belial?
What are they going to do in the Adamant Citadel?
Is Jesse being brought back to life part of the deal Tatianna made with Belial?
How are they going to bring Jesse back to life?
Obviously, we know they survived, and that Belial fails, but still, so many questions!!!!!
The characters were awesome:
Anna, confidant Anna, who can seduce even Hypatia Vex.
We didn’t get to see much of her in fights, but I loved her personality and fact she has decided to play matchmaker for her family.
Her friendship with Matthew and Cordelia was great.
I can’t wait to see more of her.
Also, I want to see Ariadne winning her back.
Definitely a Herondale.
I loved him without the bracelet, but the moment he has that thing on its all Grace Grace Grace, which is the point.
Even Matthew says he has a hard time reading him then.
Such a kind soul that is taken advantage of.
How much he loves his family and friends is heartwarming.
Him telling Grace that he loved her, but not enough to leave his family was beautiful.
When Grace put the bracelet back on his wrist, it killed me.
He is definitely the leader of the Merry Thieves.
Love her.
Strong, capable and innocent at the same time, but also, she will punch her way out if she has too.
Her telling James off for abandoning her on the dance floor was beautiful, as was her confronting Matthew about his drinking.
Lucie having this powerful ability nobody realized because all Herondales can see ghosts was a surprise but soooo interesting. Something tells me that Belial is worried about the wrong grandchild.
The ease with which she can empathize with people, Alastair and Grace for example, is beautiful.
Did not see him coming. I was still expecting the kid from the Shadowhunter Academy and not this person that stands by his family and friends and only wants to protect.
Him losing his sister was heartbreaking, why????? We had just started knowing Barbara and she was so great!!!!
His anger at Alastair is understandable and more than valid, but I can’t wait to see what will happen in the future between those two.
Oblivious and loving Christopher.
Who btw is figuring out fire messages!!!!!!!!
I cannot wait to see what he will create in the next book.
Heartbreaking. That is pretty much what I have to say about everything he does. He has this great guilt holding him down and if he could just find a way to let it go. Preferably before he drowns in his bottle.
Him protecting his dog in a demon attack was beautiful and heartbreaking.
His love for James is so true and pure and so heartbreaking.
Him being drunk in fights will come back to bite him in the ass and maybe even his friends.
I just worry about his future. But I am glad Magnus is going to try and help him.es and did not see coming to his love for Cordelia, but now that I have, I ship it. Honestly maybe even more than James and Cordelia.
I just worry for his future. But I am glad Magnus is going to try and help him.
Another one I find Heartbreaking.
He spends his entire life protecting his little sister from the drunkenness of their father, goes to the Academy and seriously fucks up.
Spreading that rumour about Matthew being a bastard will probably haunt him for a while still.
His relationship with Charles was toxic, but I don’t think it was either’s fault, they are just not what the other needs.
I cannot wait to see more of him and maybe Thomas
Honestly, Charles is the one that most surprised me.
I did not see him being gay coming.
The problem with him is that he is everything bad about being a closeted gay in the 1900s, he lets all his insecurities and dreams control him. He believes his mother weak because she shows compassion because he doesn’t want to see weakness which he associates with being beneath everybody else, like being gay.
I didn’t really care about him and Ariadne marrying, it goes with the time period, I care about how he seems to put his dreams and ambitions above everything else, including his family. I really didn’t like how he spoke about them.
I think both him and Alastair where toxic for each other.
I do worry about him being bewitched by Grace; I am afraid of what she is capable of making him do.
Also, he seems to kind of be on the outside of his cousins and his brother’s group.
I don’t like her.
I get that she is in a hard position, that she needs to do whatever is necessary to escape, I empathize with her, I still don’t like her.
When she was a kid with the Bracelet, her mother made her do it, I get that. Ever since the book started though she has made her choses and I don’t like her.
I worry about what she is capable of doing to get what she wants and needs.
I was worried about him because of Grace and Tatianna, if they were behind everything then he must be in on it too.
However, that does not seem to be the case. He honestly just likes Lucie and wants to help. He wants to be a Shadowhunter.
What he did for James, giving him his last breath was really brave and proved to me he wasn’t with the rest of his family.
It was interesting to see the characters of the Infernal Devices from the outside. Not really getting anything from them, other than what their children saw.
Especially Sophie and Gideon, who lost one of their kids.
About Tatianna:
Woman, your dad killed himself and killed your husband, the rest of the Shadowhunters had nothing to do with it. He was a monster!!! Stop blaming other people for it.
A small part of me feels bad for her, the bigger part of me is disgusted by her. She is using not only Grace but has also enchanted James, a freaking kid, to get revenge.
Cordelia and James’ reason for marrying I did not see coming, but it does make sense. I kind of can’t wait for their married life.
I was interested to see the characters of the Infernal Devices from the outside. Not really getting anything from them, other than what their children saw.